Lower Secondary Science Research Project
Proposal Form
Group Name:Dont09 Class: 1B
Name of Members and Signatures:
3)Darren Low(leader)
4)Ting Fang
Project Title:
-Which household items are best for lubricating metal?
Problem Question:
-Which household items are best for lubricating metal?
Butter is the best substance for lubricating butter
Web-Address (Url) of Project Blog:
Expected date of research completion:
Project Mentor and Signature:
Apparatus and Materials Needed:
-fixed pulley
-retort stand
-weight hanger
-Smooth metal surface
-wooden plank
-plastic sheet
Experimental Procedure Setup:
Substance 1-baby powder
Substance 2-soap
Substance 3-butter
Substance 4- Baby Oil
Step 1:place plastic sheet on the table.
Step 2:Place wooden plank on the plastic sheet
Step 3:Place metal surface on top of the wooden plank
Step 4:tie one end of the string to the metal surface
Step 5:Tie the other end of the string to the pulley connecting to the retort stand.
Step 6:pull the string on the pulley and make a loop hole with it, hang the weight hanger on it and place the weight(50g) on it.
Step 7:then, apply substance 1 ont the top surface of the wooden plank and the underside of the metal surface.
Step 8:Repeat step 6 with weights 20g,10g and 5g
Step 9:decrease the weights til the metal surface stops moving.
Step 10:Repeat step 7,8 and 9 with substance 2,3 and 4.
Stp 11:Record the amount of weight needed for each substance and compare the results
Step 10:write a conclusion and check if it supports your hypothesis(the lesser weight needed is the best household item)
Independent Variable:
-Household items
What you observe:
-observe the different amount of weight used to move the metal surface.
Controlled Variables (Constants):
-position of pulley
-metal surface
-length of string
-constant amount of substance used
-similar mass of substance applied on surface.
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